MATLAB download

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 3, 2013

  Mathworks Matlab R2010b (x32/x64) Includes Matlab Recorded Webinars | 5.8 GB

MATLAB là một môi trường tính toán số và lập trình, được thiết kế bởi công ty MathWorks. Matlab cho phép tính toán số với ma trận, vẽ đồ thị hàm số hay biểu đồ thông tin, thực hiện thuật toán, tạo các giao diện người dùng và liên kết với những chương trình máy tính viết trên nhiều ngôn ngữ lập trình khác.

Với thư viện Toolbox, Matlab cho phép mô phỏng tính toán, thực nghiệm nhiều mô hình trong thực tế và kỹ thuật.

Key Features

• Platform-independent, high-level programming language oriented to matrix computations and the development of algorithms
• Interactive environment for code development, managing files and data
• More linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, the solution of differential equations, etc.
• Rich visualization, 2-D and 3-D graphics
• Built-in user interface design to create complete applications in MATLAB
• Tools integration with C / C, inheritance of code, ActiveX technology
• Access to the functions. NET 2.0, 3.0, 3.5
What's new in this version compared to the previous
Release 2010b includes new features in MATLAB and Simulink, one new product, and updates and bug fixes to 85 other products.

New in Matlab

• Additional multithreaded math functions and enhancements to file sharing, path management, and the desktop in MATLAB
• New System objects for stream processing in MATLAB, with over 140 supported algorithms in Video and Image Processing Blockset and Signal Processing Blockset
• Multicore support and performance enhancements for over 50 functions and expanded support for large images in Image Processing Toolbox
• New nonlinear solvers in Global Optimization Toolbox and Optimization Toolbox
• Ability to generate Simscape language equations from Symbolic Math Toolbox
• Stochastic approximation expectation-maximization (SAEM) and pharmacokinetic dosing schedules support in SimBiology
• New capabilities for the Simulink product family include:
• Tunable parameter structures, triggered model blocks, and function call branching for large-scale modeling in Simulink
• Code generation support for Eclipse, Embedded Linux, and ARM processors in Embedded IDE Link and Target Support Package
• ISO 26262 certification for Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder and PolySpace products in IEC Certification Kit
• DO-178B qualification support extended to model coverage in DO Qualification Kit
• Simulink PLC Coder, a new product for generating IEC 61131 structured text for PLCs and PACs
New in Simulink

• Arrays of buses with For Each subsystems for reducing Simulink model size, simulation time, and data copies for large-scale models
• Subsystem variants in Simulink and atomic subcharts in Stateflow to create reusable model components
• Test harness generation, data logging, and scripted test execution in Simulink Verification and Validation
• Parallel builds of model reference hierarchies with Real-Time Workshop and MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
• SimRF, based on Simscape, including circuit envelope simulation and RF Blockset capabilities
• FPGA Workflow Advisor, critical path highlighting, and DO-254 support in Simulink HDL Coder
• Multicore support for multirate models in xPC Target and xPC Target Turnkey systems
New in Polyspace

• Web interface for viewing project metrics in Polyspace Server for C / C and Polyspace Server for Ada
• Support for all statically enforceable MISRA-C coding standards in Polyspace Client for C / C
Details on how to put this version of Matlab, see the file serial \ Readme.txt.

System requirements:

WinXP SP3, WinXPx64 SP2, Win2003Server R2 SP2,
WinVista SP1 or SP2, Win2008Server SP2 or R2, Win7
Processor: SSE2 support
Disk space: 1-4GB
Memory: 1GB, preferably 2GB or more (depending on the task)

Year / Date: 2010, September 3
Version: 2010b (7.11)
Developer: Mathworks
Bit depth: 32bit & 64bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Language: English
Medicine: Yes

Matlab webinars from the company Mathworks - are small (duration 1 hour) of video tutorials for both beginners and experienced users of Matrix Laboratory Matlab.

List of web seminars

* Algorithmic Trading with MATLAB - Update for 2009 (United Kingdom)
* Algorithmic Trading with MATLAB for Financial Applications
* Application Deployment with MATLAB
* Assess C & C Code Quality and Reuse Software with PolySpace Products
* Color Image Processing with MATLAB
* Data Analysis with MATLAB Products
* Data Analysis with Statistics and Curve Fitting Toolboxes
* Deploying MATLAB Applications to the Web
* Deploying MATLAB Components to CC Java NET and Excel
* Developing Measurement and Analysis Systems using MATLAB
* Image and Video Processing with DSPs and FPGAs
* Introduction to Computational Finance with MATLAB_A Risk Management Example
* Introduction to Curve Fitting for Nonprogrammers
* Introduction to Econometrics Toolbox
* Introduction to Optimization with MATLAB Products
* Large Data Sets in MATLAB
* MATLAB for C C Programmers
* MATLAB for Java Programmers
* MATLAB for Signal Processing
* MATLAB for Teaching
* MATLAB for the Life Sciences
* MATLAB Tools for Test and Measurement
* Multivariate Data Analysis and Monitoring for the Process Industries
* New Tools for Symbolic Computing in MATLAB (2008)
* Object-Oriented Programming in MATLAB
* Parallel Computation with The MathWorks Distributed Computing Tools and Windows CCS Scheduler
* Parallel Computing with MATLAB - What's New in R2009a
* Parallel Computing with MATLAB in Computational Finance
* Response Surface Models of Drug Interactions with Curve Fitting Toolbox
* Speeding up MATLAB Applications
* Speeding up MATLAB Applications_Australia
* Tips and Tricks_Data Analysis and Surface Fitting with MATLAB
* Tips and Tricks_Getting Started Using Optimization with MATLAB
* Using MATLAB on Multicore Machines
* Using MATLAB to Develop Financial Models
* Using SystemTest with Excel
* What's New for MATLAB with R2009a
* What's New for Object-Oriented Programming in MATLAB
* Deploying MATLAB Components to CC, JAVA,. NET, and Excel
* Introduction to Matlab
* MATLAB programmers in C and Cplusplus
* Parallel Computing with MATLAB
* Parallel Computing with MATLAB for Administrators
* Parallel Computing with MATLAB-What's New in R2008b
* Speeding up MATLAB Applications
* Tips and Tricks_Getting Started Using Optimization with MATLAB
* Compiling an application in MATLAB
* Image processing using Matlab

* MATLAB for Excel Users
* MATLAB for Excel users
* Introduction to MATLAB 7
* Use MATLAB to develop and implement financial models
* Data processing and analysis using the package Statistics Toolbox and Curve Fitting Toolbox
# New webinars
# Applied Data Analysis Using MATLAB-Catching the Wind
# Automating External Simulation Execution and Data Analysis
# Data Acquisition with MATLAB
# Fixed-Point Signal Processing in MATLAB
# Generating Optimal Tables Using MATLAB Products
# Mapping and Geospatial Data Analysis Using MATLAB
# MATLAB for C C Programmers
# Modeling Engineering Systems Using MATLAB and Symbolic Math Tool
# Parallel Computing with MATLAB
# Quantitative Data Analysis for Life Sciences
# Symbolic Computing Tools for Academia
# Using MATLAB and Symbolic Math Toolbox to Develop and Analyze Financial Models
# Using MATLAB to Develop Macroeconomic Models
# Using Symbolic Computations to Develop Efficient Algorithms and System Models
# Using Symbolic Math Toolbox to Develop Analytical Models of Aerospace and Defense Systems
# Parallel computing program MATLAB
Webinars Matlab - Matlab Recorded Webinars
Manufacturer: The MathWorks
Language: English & Russian
Format: swf (Flash movie version: 7)
Video: Flash SWF 850x638
Audio: Flash

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